Mar 8, 2009

Why do people hang the tennis shoes on the electric cables?


  1. It's actually a bad thing... in cities is it used to identify where drugs can be purchased

  2. I think it's like if you are in a gang. However, I think some people just do it.

  3. According to Dr. Gene Ammarell, an expert in social anthropolgy, "it's a game!" I was curious about it because once my Chinese friend told me that somebody told him that if somebody died, his/her parent would hang the shoes on the cable to memorize him/her.

  4. According to Dr. Gene Ammarell, an expert in social anthropology, "it's a game!" I was curious about it because once my Chinese friend told me that somebody told him that if somebody died, his/her parent would hang the shoes on the cable to memorize him/her.
